W H E N  A R R I V I N G  T O  T H E  S T U D I O …


Requirements are based on Jefferson County Public School District’s guidelines and if required for schools, masks will be required in the studio for all students, teachers and visitors. Medical or religious exemptions allowed with owner’s approval.


  • Dancers should use hand sanitizer upon entering studio

  • All dancers and visitors should engage in self-screening for any signs of illness at home before entering studio


Dancers should not attend class if they have:

  • COVID systems that include fever over 100, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, body aches/muscle pain, headache, fatigue, stiffness in neck, sore throat, new or unexplained persistent cough, diarrhea, running nose or congestion, rapid heartbeat, vomiting, or feeling feverish and having chills. Also, if a dancer has a loss of taste or smell

  • If a dancer has a temperature of 100.4 or higher, student will be asked to return home and come back when they are healthy, and temperature is normal

  • If student is feeling ill during class, dancer will be isolated in studio not in use until parent/care giver can transport them home

A I R  P U R I F I C A T I O N …

Each studio room is equipped with an Air Purification system that cleans air in under 30 minutes (twice per hour) to remove Allergies, Asthma, Dust, Bacteria, Pollen, and Mold Spores. New Oransi EJ120 HEPA Air Purifiers with Carbon Filter specifications include:

  • The air purifiers have Medical Grade True HEPA filter (MERV17)

  • AHAM Verifide CADR (Max Air Flow cfm): pollen-360, dust-333, smoke-331

  • Electronic display alerts when filters require replacement that is estimated at 12 months

  • Oscillating fans when used, are pointed away from breathing zones in an upward direction for air flow

  • Heating system has intake and outtake vents in each room and filters are replaced as required

H A N D  C L E A N L I N E S S  A N D  S O C I A L  D I S T A N C I N G …

Please use hand sanitizer before entering the studio rooms, which is located throughout the studio

L E A V I N G  T H E  R E S T R O O M …

  • Dancers are required to wash their hands after leaving the bathroom

  • If the bathroom is full, please wait outside

  • Use hand sanitizer again before entering the dance room after you have used the bathroom or between classes


  • Ongoing cleaning of studio is a standard practice

  • Parents please help keep lobby clean using trash can at the main entrance

T E A C H E R S ,  T E A C H I N G  A N D  O F F I C E  A S S I S T A N T S …

  • Staff is instructed to stay home if sick or has COVID symptoms and a substitute will be called

  • If COVID symptoms occur during work, staff should notify the studio owner and leave immediately - Staff should contact their medical provider

  • All staff must frequently clean hands

  • Studio Owner will monitor adherence to cleaning policy

D E P A R T M E N T  O F  P U B L I C  H E A L T H FOR F I T N E S S C E N T E R S …

  • Rand Dance Academy adheres to Department of Health Guidelines

F O R  C O N C E R N S …

  • If you have questions or concerns, please contact the studio owner